Saturday, April 24, 2010
Does it Really Matter?
What matters? What in this world Really matters?
Paying my bills matters. Washing my car and going to work matters. What ever I do matters.
Take out anything having to do with money. Do people without money matter to you? Should they? Do you matter to other people if you don't have money? You should. Why?
Do we unknowingly put a monetary value on someones life based on their economic status? And if someone doesn't have anything of value do we consider them not valuable? How about your value to them. If your a person of wealth how will you know that they don't put a value on you because of your money?
Some of us have gone through some monetary lessons in life. Finding out that a lot of people only care about money and "what can they do to get more of it" seems to be the motto that they live by. Driven by money.
Some are driven by success and money just comes with the territory. I would say in my experience that few are simply driven by matters of the heart.
To me, the two of these have quite of few relationships, both money and the heart. Both can change the world. Using money people put systems in place in order to accomplish a goal. So many are motivated by money that its easy to find followers for a project to be completed if they can be payed to do it. Or finding people to volunteer with their heart for a cause that makes sense to them. Both of these require an investment of time.
Why is there an inherent value of a persons life? Life is very precious to all of us. Do we simply exist to find enjoyment in our lives? We don't have to enjoy ourselves, but it's a nice thing along the journey.
Bottom line is you have to eat to do anything. Would it fair to say we have to take care of our physical needs before we take care of our monetary needs? Or would say we take care of our monetary needs first?
What takes care of your spiritual needs? Is it our friends or a companion?
Think in life that; Where you put your money is where your heart is. And where you put heart is where your money is. So, your money can dictate where you put heart and your heart can dictate where you put your money.
Consider the Apostle Paul and his life. Before he was the apostle Paul his name was Saul, a Pharisee, a Jewish Roman citizen. He was a highly educated leader in the Jewish faith.
He counted all of his status worth nothing and he gave all that he had because of the commission he had been given from Jesus. Because people matter.
Isn't ironic that the people in the world believe that Christians are a bunch of deceived people. That they are people that believe in a book of untruths. But yet they are some of the best and honest and giving people in the world.
Why is it that people the "are" reading books of evil aren't out and about trying to save the world?
We that truly believe in God's word "The Holy Book" have are hearts beating for God and beating for people. We don't want their ultimate destruction. We care about their hearts. We care about their lives. We don't want their money as some would have them believe.
You matter to God, your life has value, and your life matters.
Paul Writes in Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
Paul Writes in 1 Corinthians 10:33
For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What is Prayer?
Is prayer a message to God? A note or a verbal letter? Is it meditation, or a conversation? Is it a request line? Is it a formal confessional?
Do you ever find yourself in a group of people having a conversation. While its active a free flowing someone gives a look like "can i speak to you alone?". Or you were the one asking to speak to them alone?
They want to take you aside so you'll talk with them one on one. Not that they couldn't talk in front of everyone but that they wanted your attention and yours alone.
Maybe to share ideas or express their concerns that wouldn't have matter if they had said it in front of the group of people but they really wanted to make a personal connection with you.
I was told that Mother thereasa was once asked; "what do you say to God when you pray?"
She Answered; "Nothing, I listen."
Then she was asked; "Well what does God say Then?" She Replied; "Nothing, He is listening".
A constant communication of the heart. Prayer is a relationship with God.
Matthew 14:23
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone
Romans 8:26
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
What friends do
I wrote about my longtime friend Lorri in an earlier post. She's the widow of my other longtime friend.
She writes;
Hi, Buzz. Thanks for the site you sent. Sounds like a wonderful church you go to. I'm glad you have found your peace. I still struggle, but remember, even years ago, in school, we Believed in the Word, it stays with us, but please pray for me to get through these empty days. I miss Andy so much, It's better now, than at... the loss, but, I do struggle, I wish to be happy again. I haven't since he died. and I pray, to be happy again. God bless my friend..
I wrote back;
Lorri my friend, I know your loss is great. David(relative)is struggling with this grief too. I think you and the whole family will be dealing with this loss the rest of our lives. Just know that my thoughts are with all of you. You're daily on my mind. Do not give in to the sorrow. It can consume. Let those ones around you love you. And cherish them right back. I know you will anyway. The time I have left here on the earth I take very seriously. My own son and his situation will never let me forget just how precious and short life is even if we live beyond 70 years.
Philippians 2
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
I am a very lucky person to have a christian friend like Lorri. How many people out there don't have a friend. Give your friendship to someone. Be a friend.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Barn Daze
Sitting against the barn with my butt cushioned on top a clump of dried weeds and the sky nearly still with the occasional wisp of air pressing against my face and brushing away the gentle heat of sunshine that kindly warms my face. The air feels clean nearing 63°. I can almost hear nothing. I see the barren like lands that are starting to show the grasses filling in the open spaces that were once snow covered. The apple orchard just beyond the field are still sparse waiting for the coming buds that will soon fill the limbs with its foliage. I see a ground squirrel sifting through small patches of brushy knowles looking for bits of nutty seeds. The smell in the air comes up from the ravine of ceders behind the barn wafting scents of evergreen pines and hemlock. I love to feel how the day really is before I mutter up my mind and fill it with the riggers of energy that steal me away from the outdoors. I sit here slouching against this barn wood wall firmly feeling it supporting my position as I nearly dose off until the achy hardwood reminds me that I must go.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Verbal Combat
Someone says; "Do you know what they said about me".
And they say things like; "I would never say things about them" Or "did you hear what they said". Really all that is doing is pointing the finger.
But yet people will continue the gossip by using more gossip. As if to nullify anything that another person said. Almost like a "verbal combat". They continue the banter adding more fuel every time they hear something that someone said.
If we were to simply choose not to participate in it, it would lose its energy.
I see people who are so convinced about certain things that they express their disapproval of it so strongly that they end up doing just the opposite using their own gossip. The vary thing that has them riled, gossip.
Its not "what" that's being said. The "what is just the symptom of the bigger problem, "gossip".
They say; " I would never do this or say that", but yet they continue using gossip by saying these things in order to discount the other person. By doing so they make themselves guilty of it.
Give it up and don't give it energy.
James 3:5
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
1 Timothy 3:11
In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.
2 Timothy 2:14
Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Everybody is looking for security. Some look to their families, then their friends, and some find it in themselves. Its a view of the world we live in or the reflection of it. An attitude of sorts, a perspective, decisions that we have all made. Each and every one of us have made the personal decision to be they way we are. We look for comfort in that way of thinking.
Some call it "finding yourself". Some look for themselves within themselves. Some can't. So they look for themselves in other people. They try to see something in someone that they can identify with. And sometimes they will emulate someone to try to feel like that person. Like trying on clothing to see how it fits. We think this is achievable. But its not.
Some people aren't able to identify with anybody and they consider themselves as outcasts.
Some people find themselves, but are only good with very small groups of people. While some in larger groups they find it is difficult to be themselves. Maybe a fear of being seen for who they really are is what find is difficult for them to deal with. They spend too much time trying to imagine what others are seeing in them from the outside. They have to withdraw from that potential attention as a way of coping even by ignoring people. They're not trying to be hurtful but ironically they're perceived as stuck up. If it means they don't have to interact with society then they're alright with that kind of perception over time.
This is only a fraction of the depths that I could go into. The truth is, all of the above is a waste of time and thought. We don't have to go through any of this stuff. If you want to really know the truth, we don't have to fit in anywhere. We already fit in.
Our ultimate security comes from the knowledge of the truth. The truth comes from what we know.
1 Timothy 2:3-5
This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus
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