They say when you pray to God, go to your alone place. So I went and this is what i saw.
This place was over an hour hike from my car. I put my bible in my pack along with some water. I went there for the sole purpose of spending time in prayer with God. I expected nothing but a view that might remind of the greatness of God. I was just sitting down when this site appeared. I wondered about what I was seeing. Is anyone else seeing this? I thought. The longer I remained in prayer the closer the sun came. After I had finished I stood to my feet and as I collected myself for the journey back the sun spot just disappeared. Maybe this was just a gift for me.
For a perspective, the pine tree next to the trail is 25 ft high. The hill I'm standing on is 165 ft above the water level. The sun spot stayed for over 25 minits coming closer to shore the longer it stayed.


EnterMission - Rob Wegner

Thursday, March 18, 2010


God says that when you ask him for forgiveness he doesn't even remember it anymore.

Why do we then sometimes dwell on remembering them. Meaning that we refuse to forgive ourselves. We continue to beat ourselves up for sins that we've been forgiven for.

God wants us to leave what lays behind us and strain forward to what lays ahead. We can only live in the moments.

God has more for us. God does not want us to wallow in the past. If you keep remembering and dwelling on past sins, you create a prison cell that you're locking yourself into with unforgiveness.

You hold the key. It will hold you back from personal growth. Let it go, let God, live for today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow will bring what tomorrow will bring.

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