They say when you pray to God, go to your alone place. So I went and this is what i saw.
This place was over an hour hike from my car. I put my bible in my pack along with some water. I went there for the sole purpose of spending time in prayer with God. I expected nothing but a view that might remind of the greatness of God. I was just sitting down when this site appeared. I wondered about what I was seeing. Is anyone else seeing this? I thought. The longer I remained in prayer the closer the sun came. After I had finished I stood to my feet and as I collected myself for the journey back the sun spot just disappeared. Maybe this was just a gift for me.
For a perspective, the pine tree next to the trail is 25 ft high. The hill I'm standing on is 165 ft above the water level. The sun spot stayed for over 25 minits coming closer to shore the longer it stayed.


EnterMission - Rob Wegner

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Buzz God God Buzz2

So he said that he could understand more of what he reads in the bible. So he reads and reads and reads for days and days. Until he comes across bible verse John 3:16. He then exclaimed; "this is it. This is what I think I am looking for". But he confesses that he needed to look into it some more to make sure he knows what he thinks he knows.

Ok then I waited for him to draw his conclusion. He then came to me and says; "I've got the answer. do you want to hear it?" Of course I said yes. So he explained it something like this.

"Well, you know who Jesus is right? Well, hes the son of God and he was killed by the people. But he let them do it see. Here is the thing, you have to say it. Like pray it. You have to say "Jesus you are the son of God and you died for my sins and I believe it so please help to live my life better. Thank you Jesus Amen."
And that's it. If you say that you're going to heaven. That is it!

So I believed him. My thoughts were that this guy has spent weeks figuring this out. He was my friend and he is not gonna lie to me. He doesn't want anything from me. He wants me to go to heaven if I were to die.

He said; "listen, you don't gotta do this. But if you were gonna die tomorrow wouldn't like to be sure that you are going to heaven? If you do this you don't have to worry about it again ever. Its simple, you got nothing to loose."

Side note for you readers. This was a very serious situation. My friend really really went through this vision. He tried to check himself into a mental institution. He told them that he thought he was going crazy. They told him if you think your going crazy then you probably aren't crazy. They said that people that go crazy don't know that they are. He then told them that they're probably right but if he still felt like this tomorrow that he would come back.

He was so concerned about me so I said I would do it. I thought this will at least make him feel better if he knows I'm going to heaven. I think that I'm going anyway.

He said; "I don't really know how to pray but I will do it with you if you want me to." I said; No, you can pray with me if you want to. I will just pray it out loud and if I leave anything out at the end you can fill in the blanks for me." He said; "ok".

I want you people to also note that they were no outside influences, no Christians, no pastors or churches involved in this story and that the events that I writing about are as they actually happen to the best of my recollection.

There is way more to write into this story, but I'm giving you the condensed version.
I will write more tomorrow.

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